The Handbook for Integrity in the Department of Energy
The Department of Energy is a vital part of our economy just as the Department of Commerce. For the first time in our history we are energy independent. The information presented in this book hopefully provides a better understanding of the processes in place regarding the energy sector of our economy.
The mission of the Energy Department is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.
The mission of the Department of Energy is not just about our energy resources it is about so much more as witnessed by the structure that is currently in place. Granted there may be a need to restructure this government entity but any restructure should embrace a philosophy of energy independence by utilizing our energy resources. The last several years and perhaps decades the prospect of achieving this independence seemed out of reach but technology has brought this philosophy or principle within reach we only need to put the resources in place to achieve it.
Energy independence does not mean ignoring environmental concerns but we can achieve our independence from foreign oil while embracing environmental issues. There have been many reports and sometimes false ones about the impact of the technology we now have to access new found energy resources. Environmentalists must and should work to achieve the goal of being independent in the area of energy not criticizing every possibility to achieve it.
Executive Departments along with the energy department need to have their mission, responsibilities and structure examined to determine the best way to accomplish their individual goals. In addition each state or at least many of them have comparable departments and agencies but on a lower scale to meet the needs of their citizens. A handbook for integrity in each federal department and agency should also be in place within each state. The discussions on the subjects or at least many of them could be applied to individual states regarding their individual needs.
Looking at the detailed structure of the Department of Energy there appears to be what some may call a need to streamline this department to make it more efficient. Energy independence is a goal all of us would like to achieve as a country but elected officials at state and federal levels of government have not put the resources to achieve the independence which we can achieve if only we apply ourselves and our resources as a country.
The structure and complexity of this government entity definitely needs to be restructured and redefined to accomplish the mission that has been placed upon it. It should not be about a federal government department or agency but about working with states to reduce the regulations which are hurting accessing the unbelievable energy resources which continue to be discovered. It takes both the states and the federal government to work together to achieve energy independence and it is hoped the information in this book will highlight how this relationship can be achieved.